During the pandemic of COVID-19, it is very important to remember how sensitive our elderly are to this virus. Not only should our elderly practice proper hygiene habits, but so should family, friends, and visitors that come into the home.
It was an early October 2020 day and a 98 year old lady had asked me for a ride so she could get to her eye appointment. She was going from a small town to Des Moines, Iowa and that was already unnerving for me. The wide range of "what-if's" popped into my head. What if she encounters COVID-19 while with me and takes it back to her facility? What if she is stubborn and doesn't want to wear a mask? What if she wants to go shopping? What if she wants to see some family members? What if? WHAT IF???
It turned out fine. She was thrilled to death to get to go into the "out". She had felt stuck and like a prisoner for months and for her to get to go outside was like a person with blindness who was able to finally see. As soon as she saw me she let go of her walker and got into the car and closed the door. We drove down country roads and in that moment it was clear that I take too much for granted. "The fall colors are so vibrant", she said as we started down a hill and she could see hills and ridges full of rusty colored foliage. The "what if's" I had were soon lost because this moment away from the facility was a slice of heaven to this lady.
We wore our masks in the car and every place we went. Every time we had to get out of the car and back in, I would share my hand sanitizer with her. We even stopped for lunch at one of those places where they have pies of every flavor. We made a few other little stops per her request. Each time, her health and safety were my number one priority. I looked for people who weren't wearing a mask or wearing one properly, people who coughed, anyone who looked slightly sick or feverish, and those using or not using hand sanitizer.
Our aging population is being struck hard by COVID-19 and it is important for Home Sweet Home Cares & Services, LLC to provide the best care as possible and to be as safe as possible. Here are some ways to help with protecting yourself and your loved ones.
-Check your temperature.
-Do you have a cough or have you been around someone who has been exposed or has COVID-19?
-Take a shower or bath and wear clean clothing.
-Don't stop anywhere before visiting a loved one.
-Wear a mask.
-Remove shoes before walking into someone's home.
-Wash hands as soon as you enter someone's home.
-Social distance.
-Sanitize items you might be bringing into the home (groceries, gifts, purse, phone, etc.)
-Post signs on doors of your loved ones home for clear expectations to other guests entering
-Keep up with your local Health Department to get further updated information